Simon Popley

Coach | Facilitator

Simon is the director and founder of coaching leadership Pty Ltd, a specialsied coaching practice based in Brisbane. Originally from the UK, Simon has over 25 years of leadership coaching experience and success in senior leadership roles over a wide range of industry sectors. 


I have been coaching and developing leaders for over 25 years. I combine hands on leadership experince across wide range of industry sectors with a strong academic background holding masters degrees in human resouces and industrial relations and coaching psycholgy. I have a passion for delivering evidence based leadership development solutions. 

My Why

I believe  effective leadership if a force for good, I believe that supporting leaders to be theit best has a ripple effect that benefits everyone. 
We can all learn to be better leaders, doing what I do is part of conributing to making that a reality.
The name Simon means one who listens, much of my work is helping people to learn to listen.
I think listening is a great skill, the feeling of being heard can move mountains. 

How I Work

I work with leaders either one on one or in teams. I have a deep interest in evidence based leadership development tools and hold around fourteen different accrediations in various individual and team tools. Combining insight with high quality coaching converstions is a great way to acclerate development for leaders who are keen to devleop their leadershiop capability futher. I have deep experince in the use of 360 instruments being acreoied in four differnd 360 tools. I use thsi to help leaders gain insights into how they are experinced by others and apply the insights to help leaders craft developemnt goals that takes their leadership to the next level. 

What I Do

I combine a  25 year long leadership career with evidence based reseached appoaches to provide my clients with insgights that support and accelerate their leadership developemnt. 


Kim Hazendonk


Stacey Hutt