Julie Barton

Coach | Facilitator

Julie is an Integral Coach and Facilitator with warmth and a genuine interest and desire to see everyone have the chance to thrive in their career. Julie can listen deeply and ask questions that consistently create aha moments for her clients.  Julie builds long lasting professional relationships that support and grow with her client’s development and career.  


Julie is an accredited coach, facilitator, trainer, and content designer with over 25 years' experience specialising in leadership development, coaching one on one, team coaching and workshop design and delivery.  Julie is a Professional member and mentor of CDAA – Career Development of Australia and member of ICF – International Coaching Federation. Julie also holds qualifications in Career Development, Human Resources, Leadership and Management as well as Small Business management.

Julie has had extensive experience in coaching and training leaders at all levels from those at the beginning of their leadership journey through to C Suite Executives across a diverse range of organisations including Academia, Aged Care & Allied Health, Beauty & Cosmetics, Entertainment, Finance, Hospitality and Tourism, ICT/IT, Insurance, Legal, Manufacturing, Media, Mining, Not for Profit, Telecommunications, Victorian, NSW and Queensland Government and Councils.

My Why

I believe everyone is unique and I focus on working with individuals and teams to identify their ‘secret sauce’, leverage their strengths, skills, knowledge, values and experience to find happiness in their jobs, careers and ultimately life.  I want to help others value who they are and help them discover their exciting possibilities.

How I work

I focus on building a collaborative relationship and partnership to identify goals and develop a strategy to achieve them.

What I do

I coach, mentor and train people at all levels from aspiring, emerging, middle managers through to Executive leaders, and provide advice to organisations wanting to improve and develop their capability. I enjoy collaborating with clients to design a process and experience that meets their specific need.

I combine coaching and adult learning methodologies, human centred design, and neuroscience to develop and deliver highly engaging blended programs to meet the ever-changing landscape of the participants, clients, and industry needs. I regularly facilitate interactive training programs via virtual and classroom keynote presentations, workshops, and conferences. With a proven track record in developing individuals, leaders and high performing teams, including multiyear leadership programs for frontline, emerging and senior leaders.   I deliver topic-based workshops including managing change, people management, high performing teams, mindfulness, difficult conversations, creating positive culture, emotional intelligence, collaboration, and communication. 

 What I love

I thrive on learning which includes learning from others. Expanding my mind through meeting as many people from around the world as possible. I love travelling and I can’t wait to achieve my dream of visiting 50 countries this year.  I have flown over New York in a helicopter on New Year’s Eve, cruised the Nile and touched the pyramids, survived -20 degrees to see the spectacular Northern Lights in Finland and been up close to leopards, lions, and elephants in Africa. My favourite saying and approach to life is ‘…. and let the adventure begin


Susannah Toy


Birthe Nohrden