Email Template – to your raters for 180° surveys

Dear [first-name],

As part of my leadership development, I am doing a 180° feedback process. I would appreciate it if you would rate my leadership and management skills. You will be asked to identify areas in which I do well and areas that I could develop. The online survey will take about 15–20 minutes to complete.

As the 180° Survey gathers feedback from 2 people, the individuals can be identified. I do get to read the open comments, so it may be possible for me to identify who made an individual comment. But please be honest and open as this is an opportunity for me to improve my leadership skills.

The 180° online platform will send you a reminder every 2 working days until you have either responded, or until the 180° period is over. 

Thank you for taking the time to give me your feedback,


Integral Leadership Profile (ILP 360)


Integral Leadership & Management Profile (ILMP)