1:1 Breathing Technique


Find yourself a quiet place to practice this exercise. Find a comfortable sitting position and let your mind settle.

Take some gentle breaths, drop your shoulders away from your ears, jaws soften, tension melts.

Notice your natural inhale and begin to count, 1,2,3.

Notice your natural exhale, 1,2,3. Which is longer?

See if you can increase by 1 count, and then 2, so that the breath starts to find a natural rhythm. 

Even on the inhale and the exhale. 

Continue to count, in and out. There is no rush, no need to lengthen further than is comfortable. 

As you fall into this natural rhythm of breath, maybe see if you can start to extend the breath just by 1 count, both inhale and exhale. If it is comfortable, you may continue to increase, but no rush and no need it if it is not comfortable. Continue with this even, 1:1 breath.

Start with a couple of minutes, perhaps 3, and see if you can gradually increase each day. With regular practice, your Window of Tolerance may gradually start to grow bigger and as a result, your autonomic nervous system remember how to practice resilience and deal with stress effectively – keeping you in the green zone. 

To continue to grow your Window of Tolerance, join us every Tuesday at 9.00AM here


The Rise of Distrust


What’s your Window of Tolerance?